Namibia honors Fidel.

Namibia honors Fidel.

Namibia, November 18, 2021- On the 5th anniversary of the death of Commander in Chief Fidel Castro, Cubans and Namibians paid tribute to the historical leader of the Cuban Revolution, at the elementary school that bears his name, in the Katutura neighborhood, located in the capital Windhoek.

Among those present were Aldo Luis Fuentes Acosta, Chargé d'Affaires a.i. from the Cuban Embassy in Namibia, other members of the State Mission of the Caribbean country, Martha Shilyomunhu, director of the educational center, Cecilia Muzile, general secretary of the Namibia - Cuba Friendship Association, members of that organization, Rafael Ramírez, president of the Patria Association of Cuban Residents in Namibia, and students and teachers from the Fidel Castro primary school.

During the event, the documentary “Los Hijos de Namibia” was screened produced in Cuba in 1987, which addresses the situation of this country during the South African apartheid regime and the life of young Namibians, during their time as students of the Cuban international schools on the Isle of Youth.

The Chargé d'Affaires a.i. highlighted Fidel's legacy and his ties to the Namibian people. In this regard, he explained the process by which those young people arrived in Cuba, at the initiative of the Commander in Chief, after the Cassinga Massacre, which occurred in a camp of Namibian civilians in southern Angola, on May 4th, 1978. He also called on those present to continue honoring the thought and life work of Fidel.

For her part, Cecilia Muzile, a survivor of that barbaric event and a graduate in Cuba, thanked the Commander in Chief and the Cuban people for having received them as her children and for the role played in the independence of Namibia. She highlighted the role of Cuban troops in rescuing the survivors of the massacre.

The Principal Shilyomunhu recalled passages in the history of the school, specifically, the process to name it Fidel Castro in 2009. She thanked the screening of the documentary, for what it represents for the history of Namibia, as well as the presence of the visitors.

Finally, those present signed the visitors' book of the school, where they left messages of tribute to Fidel.

The ceremony was covered by the local press. The national radio and television network NBC will also broadcast the documentary "Los Hijos de Namibia" tonight.

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