Declaration of the Namibia Cuba Friendship Association
On Friday, June 16th, the President of the United States of America, Donald Trump, decided to reverse some of the steps taken as part of the process of normalization of relations between Cuba and his nation, initiated by the administration of Barack Obama. The US president makes these changes by ignoring the public opinion of his country, the Congressmen and Senators and most of the Cubans living in the United States.
Again, Miami's ultra-right has kidnapped US foreign policy related to Cuba. The stage and company chosen for this ad could not be more grotesque. The audience was composed of terrorists and counterrevolutionaries of Cuban origin, who do not represent the feeling of the vast majority of the island's community in the United States, much less the interests and desires of the Cuban revolutionary people.
President Trump's remarks are a new interference in Cuba's internal affairs. In addition, the resurgence of the Blockade will only affect the Cuban people more, as this represents the main obstacle to their full development.
The Namibia Cuba Friendship Association reaffirms its unconditional support for the Cuban people and its legitimate representative: the Revolutionary Government.
In addition, we would like to recall the words of the late deceased Comrade Andimba Toivo and Toivo, Hero of Namibia and Patron until his death of this Association, at the opening of the 5th African Conference on Solidarity with Cuba, which describe the true spirit of Cuban Revolution:
"We have come here to discuss how to intensify African-Cuban solidarity and to continue the legacy of Fidel and Che. That is a legacy of love for humankind, an unshakeable belief that a better world is possible and a commitment to join together with the peoples of the world to make this belief a reality. Cuba has shown that it is possible to build a society without poverty, where children are not malnourished and can grow to achieve their human potential, where justice is not limited to a privileged few, and where the expansion and refinement of democracy is a never-ending process that is owned by the people. "
"It is because of all that Cuban has done and what it represents, especially to the sovereign peoples of the world who are struggling to establish a free world of poverty, exploitation and war, that the United States of America continues to Punish the Cuban people by maintaining their illegal blockade and the illegal occupation of Guantanamo. We look forward to our discussions in the next days on how to join together on this continent, and with the peoples of other continents, to bring an end to the blockade and to restore Guantanamo to the people of Cuba. "
The Friendship Association, in line with the Final Declaration of the Conference, approved by 183 delegates from 26 African countries, and in full correspondence with the thought and work of our beloved Master, condemns the criminal Economic, Commercial and Financial Blockade of the Government of The United States against Cuba; Requires the return of territory illegally occupied by the Guantánamo Naval Base; Supports the Cuban people in its inalienable right to choose the most appropriate political and social system for its development; And demands that Cuba's independence and self-determination be respected.
Viva Namibia !!!!
Viva Cuba !!!!!
Long live the friendship between Cuba and Africa!!!!
Namibia Cuba Friendship Association.
Windohek, June 18th, 2017.
Message of Condolences sent by the Hero of the Republic of Cuba and President of the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples Fernando González Llort for the death of Andimba Toivo ya Toivo.
To relatives and friends of Cuba's legendary friend Toivo Ya Toivo:
With great consternation we received the sad news of the physical disappearance of the legendary friend of Cuba Andimba Toivo Ya Toivo, icon of solidarity with Cuba and Patron of the Namibia-Cuba Friendship Association, with whom we had the privilege of sharing important moments only two days before his passing away.
Since he was young, Toivo dedicated his life to the struggle for just causes, with an extensive political trajectory. He was the founder of the SWAPO (South West African People's Organization Party). He fought against the opprobrious apartheid regime and he was sentenced to 20 years in prison, of which he served 16 on Roben Island with Nelson Mandela. Following the independence of Namibia, he continued firm to its political principles, looking over the future of a free and independent Namibia as it is today. He became a political figure with great prestige and very respected in his country.
He maintained excellent relations with Cuba and he always demonstrated his unconditional support and solidarity towards the Cuban Revolution, its leaders and people in general. For his attitude and consistency in the work of Solidarity was worthy of the Medal of Friendship granted by the Council of State on the proposal of the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples.
He participated actively in all the activities in support of Cuba and its people, not only in Namibia but also in others international sceneries. He was the promoter of the International Campaign for the Liberation of the Five in his country during their 16 years of unjust imprisonment as well as other Cuban causes that we continue defending.
He was received in Cuba and ICAP on several occasions. He accompanied us at the III Regional Conference of Solidarity with Cuba held in Angola and honored us with his active presence in the recently finished V Continental Conference. We will always keep great memories about our friendship and his support to the Cuban delegation participating in the last Event of Solidarity held in Namibia.
Our dear friend Toivo is an example to follow for present and future generations, a dignified and revolutionary man, who accompanied Cuba until the last days of his life.
Cuba is honored to have had Toivo Ya Toivo as one of his most faithful friends and today with sincerely regrets his loss, with the conviction that he will always live in the heart of Namibians and Cubans.
Our most sincere condolences to his family, friends and his beloved Namibian people.
Fernando González Llort
President Raúl Castro sends a message of condolences for the death of Andimba Toivo and Toivo.
The President of the Councils of State and Ministers of the Republic of Cuba, Army General Raul Castro, sent a message of condolences to his Namibian counterpart, Hage Geingob, for the death of Namibian independence leader Andimba Toivo ya Toivo.
Comrade Toivo is one of the icons of the anti-apartheid struggle in Namibia. He was co-founder of SWAPO in 1960 and of its predecessor the Ovambo People's Organization. For his political activism he was imprisoned in 1966 and sentenced to 20 years in prison at Robben Island, where he spent 16 years in the same section as Nelson Mandela. After independence he had diverse responsibilities until he retired from political life in 2006.
Toivo was also a strong supporter of Cuba and its Revolution. During the imprisonment of the Five Heroes, he participated actively in the struggle for his liberation.
At the time of his death, on June 9 in Windhoek, capital of the African country, he was the Patron of the Namibia-Cuba Friendship Association. His last public appearance was at the V Continental Conference of Solidarity with the Greater Antilles held in Namibia from June 5 to 7.
The Army General said:
“I have known of the death of the beloved comrade Andimba Toivo ya Toivo, outstanding historical leader of SWAPO and President of the Namibia-Cuba Friendship Association. I extend my heartfelt condolences to the Namibian government and people, as well as the relatives of Comrade Toivo.”
Cuba has lost a great friend.
1. We the 183 delegates representing 26 African countries as well as Cuba and organizations from the United States of America gathered at the Fifth Continental Conference of Solidarity with Cuba held in Windhoek, Namibia, under the theme: “Intensifying Solidarity with Cuba and Preserving the Legacy of Fidel and Che”, organized by the Government of the Republic of Namibia in conjunction with the Namibia-Cuba Friendship Association and the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples (ICAP), declare the following:
2. We pay tribute to the historic leader of the Cuban Revolution, Commander-in-Chief Fidel Castro Ruz, a man highly admired by the Cubans, revolutionaries and friends from different parts of the world, particularly on the African Continent. Over 55 years, imperialism failed in its multiple attempts to destroy him and the Cuban Revolution. Notwithstanding, today his legacy and principles remain valid and reaffirmed.
3. We equally pay tribute to another key symbol of solidarity and internationalism, Ernesto Che Guevara, on the 50th anniversary of his vile murder.
4. We reaffirm our commitment to continue to develop and further strengthen the Solidarity Movement with Cuba in each of our countries, fighting for unity and truth. We demand the end of the illegal economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed on Cuba by the United States of America and further demand that the government of the United States comply with the Resolutions adopted for that purpose by the United Nations General Assembly over the last 25 years. Furthermore, we shall continue to actively advocate for the lifting of the economic blockade on Cuba imposed by the Government of the United States and actively promote trade at the highest level.
5. We demand the unconditional return to the government and people of Cuba of the territory illegally occupied by the government of the United States at the Naval Base in Guantanamo. In this context, we strongly denounce the constant violations of human rights in the prison of the United States’ government located at the Naval Base, under the hypocrisy of fighting against global terrorism.
6. We demand respect for Cuba's right to self-determination and sovereignty and their right to pursue choose the political system of their choice.
7. We support the causes of all sister countries that are fighting for a better world, with social justice and equal opportunities worldwide. In particular, we pledge our support to Puerto Rico in their struggle for self-determination, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, and the people of Brazil, Bolivia and Argentina, and all the people of the continent who defend their sovereignty, which imperialist governments are trying to defeat.
8. We reaffirm our unwavering support for the realization of the inalienable rights of the people of Western Sahara and Palestine to self-determination, independence and statehood; and call for the implementation of the relevant UN resolutions, including the holding of the UN-supervised referendum in Western Sahara and the settlement of the Question of Palestine.
9. We applaud the work of comrade Kenia Serrano Puig, former President of ICAP, who contributed to expand and strengthen the International Solidarity Movement with Cuba during her 8 years term of office. At the same time, the Conference welcome with great satisfaction the election of the Hero of the Republic of Cuba, Fernando Gonzales Llort (one of the Cuban Five) as the new President of ICAP.
10. We commend the assistance extended by the Communist Party of Cuba, the Cuban Government and People in the socio-economic spheres. We further commend and support the Cuban professionals who have continued to render support services in our different countries for the positive impact they continue to make on the socio-economic development.
11. We express our thanks and appreciation to the Government of the Republic of Namibia for having successfully hosted the Fifth Continental Conference on Solidarity with Cuba, which would have a multiplier effect on peace and fraternity among nations and peoples.
12. We particularly express our deep appreciation to His Excellency Dr. Hage G. Geingob, President of the Republic of Namibia for opening the 5th Solidarity Conference, and for his message of solidarity and unwavering support with the government and people of Cuba.
13. We also express our appreciation to His Excellency Moussa Faki Mahamat, Chairperson of the African Union Commission, for his solidarity message to the Conference.
14. We equally applaud the participation at the Fifth Continental Solidarity Conference of His Excellency Dr Sam Nujoma, Founding President of the Republic of Namibia; Comrade Andimba Toivo Ya Toivo, President of the Namibia-Cuba Friendship Association; and Commander Victor Dreke, who was Second in command of the Cuban Battalion that Che Guevara headed on its solidarity mission to Africa.
15. We welcome the offer by Nigeria to host the Sixth Continental Africa Conference in Solidarity with Cuba.
16. We pledge to strictly comply with this Declaration.
Issued by the Fifth Continental Conference of Solidarity with Cuba, held in Windhoek, Namibia, from 5th to 7th June 2017.
To honour the commitment to Cuba
The 5th Continental Solidarity Conference in Windhoek, capital of Namibia, not only left stories of solidarity, personal efforts and evidence that Cubans and Africans are one.
During the last day of its official activities, the medal for the 60th Anniversary of the Revolutionary Armed Forces (FAR), awarded by the Council of State of the Republic of Cuba, was given for the first time on the African continent.
The distinction was received by the Cuban ambassador in Namibia, Giraldo Mazola Collazo, in recognition of his revolutionary career, begun before 1959, and for his continued work in favour of the Cuban Revolution.
Commander Víctor Dreke Cruz (known as Moya by the Africans for being the name he had in the contingent headed by Che in former Zaire), president of the Revolutionary Combatants Association of Havana and President of the Friendship Association Cuba-Africa, who is in the country as part of the Cuban delegation, imposed the decoration on the Ambassador.
During the ceremony were also present government figures such as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah; Parliament Speaker Peter Katjavivi, the Deputy Ministers of International Relations and Cooperation, Peya Mushelenga and Maureen Hinda, of Environment Tommy Nambahu, Lieutenant General Sebastian Ndeitunga among other officials as well as members of the Namibia - Cuba Friendship Association.
On the Cuban side, Fernando González Llort, president of the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples (ICAP), participated along with other representatives who attended to the V Continental Conference of Solidarity.