ALBA-TCP held its XXI Political Council.

Havana, March 1st, 2021.- The XXI Meeting of the Political Council of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America- Peoples' Trade Treaty (ALBA-TCP), was held virtually this Monday afternoon.  During the meeting, the regional political context was assessed as well as its perspectives for the first semester of the year. It was also discussed the effects of Covid-19 at the international level and the increasing need for a dynamic, concerted and effective response, based on the cooperation and solidarity of the Alliance's member countries. The dynamism and effectiveness of the coordination work carried out by ALBA-TCP Executive Secretariat was acknowledged as well as the execution of the Post-Pandemic Plan 2021, adopted during the XVIII Summit of the organization, last December 14th.  It was strongly rejected the sanctions and coercive and unilateral measures of United States and other foreign powers against Venezuela, Nicaragua and other nations. The strengthening of the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States against Cuba was condemned, as well as the campaigns to discredit Cuban medical cooperation. During the meeting, the inclusion of Cuba in the United States' State Department's spurious list of States sponsors of terrorism was condemned. Follow the link:

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