In Lebanon they reiterate solidarity in the face of destabilizing attempts against Cuba

In Lebanon they reiterate solidarity in the face of destabilizing attempts against Cuba

At the Cuban Embassy in Lebanon, communications and messages of solidarity are received, rejecting and condemning the attempts to destabilize Cuba by the Government of the United States, which opportunistically and cynically takes advantage of the difficult economic situation in which the country is passing through, as a consequence of the intensification of the Yankee blockade and its interventionist policy in its attempts to provoke dissent and destabilization through defamatory campaigns against Cuba.

The messages received from the Association of Cuban Residents in Lebanon, the José Martí Arab Solidarity Association - Latin America, the Cuba/Lebanon Palestine Friendship Association, the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine and the League of Palestinian Graduates of Universities and Institutions Cubans, constitute a sample of the broad international solidarity received by the Caribbean island and a recognition of the strength of the Cuban Revolution.

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