Secretary General of SWAPO receives Cuban diplomats.

Secretary General of SWAPO receives Cuban diplomats.

Namibia, June 22nd, 2022- Hon. Mrs. Sophia Shaningwa, Secretary General of SWAPO Party, former national liberation movement and current ruling party of Namibia, received Sidenio Acosta Aday, the Ambassador of Cuba to this African country, and other officials from the diplomatic representation of the Caribbean island.

The Ambassador introduced to the partisan leader the new counsellor of the Embassy, ​​Rodolfo Ricardo Guzmán, who will assume the functions of the second secretary Aldo Luis Fuentes Acosta. The meeting was also conducive for Fuentes to thank the Secretary General for the excellent working relationships established during his 5-year stay in Namibia.

The SWAPO leader also expressed her gratitude to the young diplomat for his dedicated work and welcomed the new official.

Ambassador Acosta also updated Shaningwa on Cuban reality. He denounced the economic, commercial and financial blockade of the United States against Cuba, reinforced with 243 new measures by the government of President Donald Trump. Likewise, he explained that the new US administration has not lifted those sanctions.

Secretary General Shaningwa condemned the genocidal policy of the US government and reiterated the solidarity of her party and her government towards Cuba.

The Cuban Ambassador thanked Namibia for its historical position of support for Cuba, expressed in different multilateral forums, such as the United Nations and the African Union.   

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