
Cuba in the UK during 2024

A representation of the younger generations of our Mission sing the emblematic Cuban Guantanamera.

The year 2024 represented a significant period for the Embassy of Cuba in the United Kingdom, marked by progress in various areas, highlighting the commitment to strengthen bilateral relations, strengthen ties with the Cuban resident community, promote solidarity towards our country, disseminate the Cuban cultural wealth and promote economic, commercial and tourism opportunities. Through a broad and dynamic agenda, the Embassy built bridges of cooperation that generated positive impacts in multiple spheres.

Cuban Ambassador paid a courtesy call to the Parliament of Saint Kitts and Nevis.

The ambassador of the Republic of Cuba, David Rivero Pérez, paid a courtesy call to the Speaker of the National Assembly of Saint Kitts and Nevis, the Honorable Lanein Blanchette, who was accompanied by Ms Trevlyn Stapleton, clerk of this Parliament and Mauriel Knight, deputy clerk. During the cordial meeting, held in the National Assembly Chambers at Government Headquarters, both parties congratulated themselves on the good state of bilateral relations and expressed the will to continue strengthening the ties between the respective Parliaments.

Cuba and Saudi Arabia look forward to strengthening their parliamentary relations

Cuban Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Vladimir González Quesada, and Dr. Ibrahim Bin Mahmoud Al-Nahas, President of the Saudi-Cuban Friendship Committee in the Shura Council

Riyadh, November 29th - The Cuban Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Vladimir Gonzalez Quesada, was received by Dr. Ibrahim Bin Mahmoud Al-Nahas, president of the Saudi-Cuban Parliamentary Committee of Friendship in the Consultative Council (Shura).

During the meeting, which took place at the headquarters of the Saudi legislative power, the Cuban diplomat conveyed the greetings of the International Relations Commission in the National Assembly of People's Power (ANPP), particularly of its president, Yolanda Ferrer Gomez.

Saudi-Cuban Parliamentary Friendship Committee of the Shura Council held a meeting

Meeting of Saudi-Cuban Parliamentary Friendship Committee of the Shura Council

Saudi-Cuban Parliamentary Friendship Committee of the Shura Council has held a meeting chaired by Member of the Shura Council Eng. Mohammad bin Hamed Al-Naqadi with the Ambassador of the Republic of Cuba to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Orlando Requeijo Gual.
During the meeting, they discussed ways of enhancing bilateral relations between the two friendly countries and stressed the importance of mutual visits between the joint parliamentary friendship committees between the Shura Council and the Cuban Parliament to raise the level of parliamentary cooperation between them.

The President of the Turkmen Parliament meets with the Ambassador of Cuba

Alfredo Nieves Portuondo

The President of the Parliament of Turkmenistan, Gulshat Mammedova Sahyyevna, received the island's ambassador, Alfredo Nieves Portuondo, at the headquarters of that national institution, with whom he reviewed bilateral issues and the social development of both nations.

The meeting was held in a cordial atmosphere and also served to exchange on the possibilities of cooperation in the economic, business, sports, cultural and academic spheres.

Chairman of the State Great Hural (Parliament) of Mongolia welcomes the Cuban Ambassador.

Chairman of the State Great Hural (Parliament) of Mongolia welcomes the Cuban Ambassador.

Ulaanbaatar. January 11, 2017. Chairman of the State Great Hural (Parliament) of Mongolia Mr. M.Enkhbold, received the Cuban Ambassador Raúl Delgado Concepción at the Government Palace in the city of Ulaanbaatar, pointing out the good state of relations between them Countries and the impetus given by the visit of Mongolia President T. Elberdorj in September 2016.


The people of Cuba continue their centuries’ long struggle in the reconquest of full justice.  Along this road they have given ample proof of their capacity for resistance in the face of enormous challenges.  One such challenge is the economic, commercial and financial blockade which has been imposed by the United States of America and has remained in place for over fifty years.


Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee at New Zealand Parliament favours greater links with Cuba

Wellington, May 10th, 2016.-The Chairman of the Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Committee at New Zealand Parliament, Mark Mitchell, expressed his interest in Cuba and his willingness to boost ties between the two countries. During a meeting held at Parliament House with the Ambassador of Cuba, Mario Alzugaray, New Zealand politician also express his favourable approach in promoting an exchange with the members of the Committee he leads, in order to learn about the current status of the Caribbean island and examine opportunities for the development of bilateral relations.

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