For Cuba, the new report on alleged sonic attacks against the United States is deemed a "political operation". Interview by Johana Tablada to AP
For Cuba, the new report on alleged sonic attacks against the United States is deemed a "political operation". Interview by Johana Tablada (deputy General Division for the United States in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs) to AP
Andrea Rodriguez, AP reporter: First, your name and your full title, as you want it to be used. And the second thing is, well, we have all seen or read the story on this report, from three important media outlets, somehow re-hashing the Havana syndrome, correct? What is Cuba's position on this?
The Workers' Party of Ireland condemn the attempts by the U.S. to capitalise on the recent protests in Santiago de Cuba in a further attempt to destabilize and overthrow Cuba's socialist system. March 23rd, 2024
There is no denying that the situation in Cuba is extremely difficult and has been for some time. And it is quite understandable that shortages of basic necessities cause unrest and dissatisfaction amongst the general population. However, it is also clear that these shortages are a direct consequence of the United States' 'long war' against Cuba which has included attempts at military intervention, assassination attempts against prominent Communist Party officials, and the various economic and political sanctions that constitute the ongoing blockade. U.S.
Workers Party of Ireland: Solidarity with the people and Government of Cuba
Workers Party of Ireland: Solidarity with the people and Government of Cuba
The President of the Workers Party of Ireland, Councillor Ted Tynan, and the Central Executive Committee of the Party wish to express our solidarity with the people and Government of Cuba following the cynical and manipulative use by enemies of the Revolution of a situation whereby citizens in Eastern Cuba held a peaceful expression of dissatisfaction with the deficit in the capacity of electricity generation and the distribution of food on 17th March.