Cuba in Mongolia

The Ambassador of Cuba in Mongolia met with the Vice Minister of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry

The ambassador of Cuba in Mongolia. Jorge Ferrer met with the Vice Minister of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry, H.E. Mr. Gankhuleg Munguntsog. The Director of the Cooperation Department, Mr. E. Anar and other official were also present.

They talked on the agricultural challenges of both countries and the possibilities of mutually beneficial commercial and cooperation relations to deal with some of the pests and diseases affecting the Mongolian agricultural sector.

Interview by Johana Tablada, Deputy Director General for the United States at the Ministry of Foreign Affair of Cuba (MINREX) to news agency AP on the "political operation" of U.S. media report on alleged sonic attacks against the United States diplomats

For Cuba, the new report on alleged sonic attacks against the United States is deemed a "political operation."

Andrea Rodriguez, AP reporter: First, your name and your full title, as you want it to be used. And the second thing is, well, we have all seen or read the story on this report, from three important media outlets, somehow re-hashing the Havana syndrome, correct? What is Cuba's position on this?

Johana Tablada: Johana Tablada, Deputy Director General for the United States at MINREX.
