Cuban experts in Namibia celebrate the return to the new normal in Cuba.
Namibia, November 14th, 2021- Cuban experts, based in Windhoek, capital of Namibia, together with representatives of the Embassy of Cuba in this African country, celebrated the positive change in the epidemiological situation on the Island, the restart of the academic year and the opening of borders to international tourism.
Namibia Cuba Friendship Association has welcomed the good news of the total reopening of the Cuban borders and we join our Cuban friends in celebrating the successes of the Cuban Scientist, those that have developed three vaccines, while other two vaccines are candidates against the novel coronavirus. 79.1% of the Cuban population have been fully vaccinated while 88.6% has received their first doses. Cuba is the first country of the world, which has started a vaccination campaign among children over two years of age.
Embajada de Cuba en Namibia celebra encuentro con líderes del movimiento de solidaridad.
Namibia, November 13th, 2021- Aldo Luis Fuentes Acosta, Chargé d'Affaires a.i of the Cuban Embassy in Namibia, received members of the Namibia-Cuba Friendship Association, led by Cecilia Muzile, its secretary general. The union leader Herbert Jauch, director of the Friendship Association with Venezuela, was also present.
Representatives of the Cuban State Mission in Namibia visit the “Fidel Castro Ruz” primary school.
Namibia, November 12th, 2021- Members of the different brigades of Cuban cooperation in Namibia and representatives of the Embassy of Cuba in that African country, led by Aldo Luis Fuentes Acosta, Charge d'Affaires a.i. from the island's diplomatic headquarters, held a dialogue with students and teachers from the “Fidel Castro Ruz” elementary school.
Namibia is updated on the gradual return of Cuba to normality.
Namibia, November 11th, 2021- Aldo Luis Fuentes Acosta, Chargé d'Affaires a.i. of the Embassy of Cuba in Namibia, participated in the TV program “Good Morning Namibia”, on the national radio and television network NBC, where he explained the process of opening the Cuban borders to international tourism and the return to normality of the country, gradually and maintaining attention on COVID-19.