Cuba to UNESCO

G 77+ CHINA, UNESCO Chapter, statement to the 216th session fo the Executive Board of UNESCO

The G 77 and China, UNESCO Chapter, is glad to announce that the South-South Cooperation Fund for Education is going on with a new project that will be submitted soon, and we take this opportunity to thank the Education Sector, BSP, and PAX for their valuable support and to encourage Member States to further increase their support to this Fund. This initiative follows up on the Declaration of the Meeting of the Ministers of Education of the Group of 77 and China held on February 2 in Havana, Cuba, which supported the reactivation of the South-South Cooperation Fund for Education as a platform for development initiatives.

Speech by Dr. Gerardo Guillén, representative of Cuba at the UNESCO Ministerial Meeting on science and Covid-19

"The Cuban Government is at the forefront of decision-making to combat the infection. The drug repurposing to combat COVID 19 has allowed several projects and clinical trials to be ongoing including vaccine and therapies for prevention and treatment in mild, severe and critical ill patients. Despite the serious limitations imposed by the North American blockade, which has prevented us from moving faster, not only to benefit our people, but also to be able to contribute to other countries, as our doctors are already doing. The blockade makes extremely difficult and expensive the access to reagents and equipment."

Statement by H.E. Mr. Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cuba, at the General Debate of the Seventy Fourth session of the United Nations General Assembly. New York, September 28, 2019.

(Stenographic Version – Council of State)

Mr. President;

Mr. Secretary-General;

Heads of State and Government;

Distinguished delegates;

I would like to convey my sincere condolences to the Commonwealth of the Bahamas for the loss of lives and the terrible destruction caused by hurricane Dorian. I call upon the international community to mobilize resources in order to provide assistance to that country.

Remarks by Carlos Fernández de Cossío, director general of United States affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cuba, on the Helms-Burton Act.

Law Helms-Burton has no impact whatsoever, practical impact in Cuba. It’s a US Law with no jurisdiction whatsoever in Cuba and cannot be applied in any sovereign country that respects its sovereignty. Its jurisdiction is limited to the United States. In addition to that, Cuba passed a law in 1996 that defined that Helms-Burton was null and void of any meaning or impact in our country so in practical terms it has no effect whatsoever in Cuba.
