Danish Parliament President receives Cuban Ambassador.
Yesterday afternoon, Mr. Soren Glade, President of the Danish Parliament, received the Cuban ambassador, Ana Maria Chongo. During the meeting, both exchanged views on the state of relations between the two nations.
For her part, the Cuban diplomat took the opportunity to make a brief presentation of Cuba's Report under resolution 78/7 of the United Nations General Assembly, entitled "Necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States of America against Cuba."
Om USAs økonomiske, handelsmæssige og finansielle blokade mod Cuba
Den 29. og 30. oktober behandler FNs Generalforsamling for 32. gang udkast til resolution om nødvendigheden af at bringe USA's økonomiske, handelsmæssige og finansielle blokade mod Cuba til ophør.
Resolutionen er historisk blevet støttet så godt som enstemmigt af FNs medlemsstater, hvilket er et pålideligt udtryk for den almindelige anerkendelse af og støtte til, at det er nødvendigt at bringe blokaden mod Cuba til ophør.
Joint Statement on behalf of 123 countries at the 56th Session of Human Rights Council, demanding the exclusion of Cuba from the List of States that allegedly sponsor terrorism. Geneva, June 26th, 2024.
The List of States Allegedly Sponsoring Terrorism goes against the fundamental principles and peremptory norms of international law, including international solidarity. The process through which the designation is made is unclear and non-transparent.
It negatively affects the realization and enjoyment of fundamental human rights, including the rights to food, health, education, economic and social rights, the right to life and right to development.
Between March 2023 and February 2024, the US government maintained the policy of maximum pressure against Cuba and the rigorous application of the economic, commercial and financial blockade as its fundamental axis.
The blockade caused material damages and losses to Cuba estimated in the order of 5 thousand 56.8 million dollars. Taking into account the behavior of the dollar against the value of gold in the international market, this policy has caused quantifiable losses of more than 1 trillion 499 thousand 710 million dollars.
Entre marzo de 2023 y febrero de 2024, el gobierno de los EE.UU. mantuvo la política de máxima presión contra Cuba y la aplicación rigurosa del bloqueo económico, comercial y financiero como su eje fundamental.
El bloqueo causó daños y perjuicios materiales a Cuba estimados en el orden de los 5 mil 56,8 millones de dólares. Tomando en cuenta el comportamiento del dólar frente al valor del oro en el mercado internacional, esta política ha provocado perjuicios cuantificables por más de 1 billón 499 mil 710 millones de dólares.