Cuba in Greece

General Secretary of KKE met Cuban Ambassador

General Secretary of KKE met Cuban Ambassador

Last April 12, the Ambassador of Cuba in Athens Zelmys María Domínguez Cortina, was received by General Secretary of the Central Comitte of the Communist Party of Greece, (KKE) Dimitris Koutsoumpas, at the Heaquarters of that Hellenic party.

Attached an article with more information.

XV Political Council of ALBA TCP will meet in Cuba

 XV Political Council of ALBA TCP will meet in Cuba

The  XV session of Political Council  of ALBA-TCP will take place this April 10 in Havana, as a continuation of the XIV Extraordinary Summit held last month in  Caracas, Venezuela . The Havana meeting should serve to continue reinforcing the unit and the capacity of regional consultation as well as the integration process of our America.
