
MSJ stands in Solidarity with Cuba, condemns US Aggression against Cuba

On this historic day for Cuba, the Movement for Social Justice expresses its solidarity with the Cuban people and Government. Sixty-six (66) years ago Fidel Castro led a group of young men and women in an attack on the Moncada military garrison in the eastern city of Santiago. While that attack failed as a military action and a number of the group were killed, July 26, 1953 marked the start of the Cuban Revolution against the brutal dictatorship of Batista. Fidel himself was captured along with Raul Castro and many others and jailed. At his trial Fidel made his historic address - History will Absolve Me.
History did indeed absolve Fidel and his July 26th Movement which eventually completed the Revolution on January 1st, 1959 - 6 short years after the July 26 attack on Moncada. The Cuban Revolution transformed Cuba and the social gains have been acknowledged globally.
Cuba has however had to endure hostile actions by the United States throughout the 60 years of its Revolution. Military intervention with the Bay of Pigs attack; numerous assassination attempts against Fidel; terrorist acts, the worst of which was the 1976 bombing of a Cubana airplane off the coast of Barbados that killed all 73 persons on board; have all been part of successive U.S. Government actions to bring about regime change in Cuba.

Cuba thanks Azerbaijani solidarity in the fight against the blockade

Alfredo Nieves Portuondo

The Ambassador of the Republic of Cuba in the Republic of Azerbaijan, Alfredo Nieves Portuondo, thanked the solidarity of this Caucasian nation with the island in its fight for the cessation of the US blockade during visits to the regions of Qazax and Tovuz.

In talks with the mayors of Qazax and Tovuz, Rajab Babashev and Mammad Mammadov, respectively, the diplomat acknowledged Azerbaijan's support for Cuba's demand to end the economic, commercial and financial siege imposed by the US government. . to the island for almost six decades.

Cuban Ambassador and Board of the Communist Party of Azerbaijan examine links between the two nations

Alfredo Nieves Portuondo

The ambassador of Cuba in Azerbaijan, Alfredo Nieves Portuondo, valued with the president of the Communist Party of Azerbaijan, Gulnisa ​​Masimova, the solidarity of his nation with Cuba and other Latin American countries.

Masimova thanked the information on the Declaration of the Revolutionary Government, which states that the aggression against Venezuela must stop and condemns the attempt to impose, through a coup d'état, a puppet government at the service of the USA in that Caribbean nation.


Members of the Georgian Orthodox Church expressed admiration and respect for the work, hospitality and humanitarian sense and solidarity of the Cuban people during a meeting with the Cuban ambassador in Georgia, Alfredo Nieves Portuondo.
During the evening, the Cuban diplomat thanked the invitation and highlighted the historical ties of friendship between the Georgian and Cuban people.
The Georgian Orthodox Autocephalous Apostolic Church is the National Church of Georgia and one of the fifteen autocephalous Orthodox communions.

The Embassy of Cuba in the Netherlands Commemorates the Second Anniversary of the Passing of the Historic Leader of the Cuban Revolution Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz

La ocasión fue propicia para la presentación de un compendio de varios artículos sobre la vida y el pensamiento del Comandante en Jefe, traducidos al neerlandés y  publicados en el periódico The Manifest, principal órgano de prensa del Nuevo Partido Comunista Holandés (NPCH), durante el 2018,  que incluyó el histórico discurso del Comandante en 1992 en la Cumbre de la Tierra, en Río de Janeiro.

Ambassador of Cuba Holds Cordial Meeting with Founder of Holanda Pro Cuba Project

The Hague, 7 November 2018.  The Ambassador of Cuba in the Kingdom of The Netherlands H.E. Mrs Soraya Álvarez Núñez held a cordial meeting with the founder of the Holanda Pro Cuba Project, Willem VeldhovenLa Embajadora de Cuba en el Reino de los Países Bajos S.E. Sra. Soraya Alvarez Núñez sostuvo un cordial encuentro con el fundador del proyecto Holanda Pro Cuba, Guillermo Veldhoven, who has been developing a beautiful solidarity work for over 20 years in our country.


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