
Cuban Culture Day is celebrated in Namibia

Cuban Culture Day is celebrated in Namibia

Namibia, October 20th, 2018- Around 200 guests, including Cuban collaborators, Cuban residents, members of the diplomatic corps, brothers and sisters of the Namibia-Cuba Friendship Association and other members of the Namibian civil society participated in the celebrations for the Day of the Cuban Culture, in the 150th anniversary of the composition and intonation for the first time of the National Anthem. Among the attendees stood out the Chief of the Namibian Police, Lieutenant General Sebastian Ndeitunga, who is graduated in Cuba and a pillar of solidarity with the island in this African country.

Meeting of the deputy Gladys Mercedes López Bejerano with members of the solidarity in Ottawa

Meeting of the deputy Gladys Mercedes López Bejerano with members of the solidarity in Ottawa

Ottawa, September 18, 2018: On the afternoon of this Tuesday, the exchange took place between the deputy, Gladys Mercedes López Bejerano, president of the Cuba-Canada Parliamentary Friendship Group, and the members of the Ottawa-Cuba Connections solidarity group . Ambassador Josefina Vidal and other officials of the Embassy were present.

Meeting of the deputy Gladys Mercedes López Bejerano with members of the solidarity in Ottawa

Encuentro de la diputada Gladys Mercedes López Bejerano con miembros de la solidaridad en Ottawa

Ottawa, September 18, 2018: On the afternoon of this Tuesday, the exchange took place between the deputy, Gladys Mercedes López Bejerano, president of the Cuba-Canada Parliamentary Friendship Group, and the members of the Ottawa-Cuba Connections solidarity group . Ambassador Josefina Vidal and other officials of the Embassy were present.

Meeting of the deputy Gladys Mercedes López Bejerano with members of the solidarity in Ottawa

Ottawa, September 18, 2018: On the afternoon of this Tuesday, the exchange took place between the deputy, Gladys Mercedes López Bejerano, president of the Cuba-Canada Parliamentary Friendship Group, and the members of the Ottawa-Cuba Connections solidarity group . Ambassador Josefina Vidal and other officials of the Embassy were present.

[Second Announcement] 4th International Conference FOR WORLD BALANCE

Since its start, the José Martí Project has propitiated a large international movement aimed at expanding the legacy of the Apostle and National Hero of Cuba. This has already become evident in the convoking capacity and in the number of activities connected with Martí that take place in the most dissimilar world regions and countries, including the awarding of the José Martí International Prize of UNESCO.

Cuba's people power elects a new president. Article published by the newspaper Arbejderen on 19 April, 2018

Today, Cuba elects its new president. It attracts considerable attention in the media that the "Castro era" ends, as it is formulated differently.

Cuba has a unique and different democracy than we know from the western classical bourgeois democracy. Of course, it has landed because Cuba is a socialist country! That's why it's annoying - it's manipulative that almost everybody measures Cuba with a bourgeois scale, and often Cuba's democracy is judging because it's not organized like in Denmark or other western countries.


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