
Courtesy Visit of the Cuban Diplomatic Representative to the Governor General of Antigua and Barbuda.

H.E. Sir Rodney Williams Governor General Antigua and Barbuda and Ambassador Pastrana.

The Cuban diplomat, Sergio Jorge Pastrana, paid a courtesy visit to H.E. Sir Rodney Williams, Governor General of Antigua and Barbuda, who expressed his gratitude on behalf of his government and his people for Cuba's traditional solidarity with Antigua and Barbuda.

For his part, Ambassador Pastrana, Chargé d'Affaires a.i. of the Republic of Cuba, thanked the constant support and friendship of Antigua and Barbuda and highlighted the family ties that unite the peoples of both Caribbean countries.

Meeting of the Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda, the Honorable Gaston Browne with the Cuban diplomatic representative.

El Honorable Gaston Browne recibe a Sergio Jorge Pastrana, Encargado de Negocios a.i. en Antigua y Barbuda.

The Cuban diplomat, Sergio Jorge Pastrana, was received in a courtesy meeting by the Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda and leader of the Antigua and Barbuda Labor Party, the Honorable Gaston Browne, M.P., who expressed his gratitude on behalf of his government and his people for Cuba's contribution in the training of qualified personnel, the support of medical assistance, especially in confronting the COVID pandemic, and in recovering from the negative effects of severe hurricanes, as was the case with Irma.

A delegation of the Branch of Latin America and the Caribbean of the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples visits Antigua.

As the culmination of a tour of the island countries of the Caribbean that are very close to Cuba in space, history and current bilateral relations, a delegation from the Cuban Institute for Friendship with the Peoples (ICAP) visited Antigua to meet again with the institutions and organizations that in that country promote solidarity with Cuba. The delegation was made up of the Director of Latin America and the Caribbean, Lily Zamora, and the Head of the Caribbean Department, Tamara Armenteros.

Leonard Tim Hector Memorial Committee (LTHMC) expresses greetings and solidarity with Cuba.

Leonard Tim Hector Memorial Committee (LTHMC) expresses greetings and solidarity with Cuba.

Leonard Tim Hector Memorial Committee (LTHMC) expresses greetings and solidarity with Cuba.

January 1, 2023.

On the 64th Anniversary of the Cuban Revolution

To our beloved and respected Cuban family and friends, the Leonard Tim Hector Memorial Committee (LTHMC) expresses greetings and solidarity on this momentous celebration of the sixty-fourth anniversary of your Revolution.

Antigua and Barbuda Expresses Gratitude to Cuba at Summit in Barbados


Antigua and Barbuda Expresses Gratitude to Cuba at Summit in Barbados

St. John, December 8th, 2022. Minister of Foreign Affairs, E.P. Chet Greene in his address at the 8th Cuba-CARICOM Summit in Barbados, expressed Antigua and Barbuda’s gratitude to the Republic of Cuba for its assistance during the covid-19 pandemic.
